What is needed to create a team in the SCYL League?
10 players per team, one volunteer coach, a place to practice close to home
How long is the SCYL Spring Rec League?
The league will start with games on February 22nd and finish with a statewide jamboree on April 26th, 2025. Practices can start as early as February 3rd.
Does SCYL host clinics?
We host Free Beginner Lacrosse Clinics throughout the year in preparation for the season. Click here for more information!
How much is the cost to register for the SCYL Spring Rec League?
The cost to register is $125 for the season. If you need financial assistance, click here.
When and where will practices be held?
Practice time will be at the discretion of the coach. Locations to be announced soon.
Who will be my coach?
Anyone is allowed to become a volunteer coach. SCYL will be hosting coaching clinics leading into the season to help give coaches more confidence teaching the game of lacrosse. We will also provide weekly practice plans for all volunteer coaches. All coaches will be required to submit background checks prior to the start of the season. Click here to volunteer!
Who will be on my team?
Teams will be comprised of players from your school or schools nearby, depending on the numbers you get from each grade at your school.
What are the age divisions?
K-1st grade (co-ed)
2nd-3rd grade
4th-5th grade
6-8th grade
What equipment will I need in order to play?
Boys Lacrosse Equipment Checklist
Helmet. A required piece of equipment worn by field players and goalies
Lacrosse stick
Cleats/Turf Shoes
Girls Lacrosse Equipment Checklist
Lacrosse stick
Protective eye goggles
Cleat/Turf Shoes